Automate your land investments.
Auto invest is a function in LandEx enabling an investor to automate his or her investments.
You can find auto invest in the menu.
What Are the Automation Variables?
Users can choose among the following variables.
1. Amount per listing
Amount per listing concerns the sum of money you want to invest per new land listed on LandEx.
2. Estimated annual return
Estimated annual return is a variable enabling you to exclude land under a certain yield.
It’s great if you want to focus on fast-appreciating lands.
3. Price/m2
Price/m2 enables you to decide on a minimum price per square meter.
Side note: this will soon be changed to enable users to choose a maximum price to invest in.
4. Cashflow
Cashflow is the annual dividend you will earn through the plot.
This option lets you choose land with a minimum cash flow.
5. Minimum Amount to Keep Uninvested
This option enables you to stop auto invest once your account reaches a certain sum.
6. Frequency
As LandEx is growing, we will increase the plot posting pace.
Frequency enables you to decide the period over which you want to invest.
If you choose “one week”, auto invest will not invest in lands posted within one week of your last investment.
Auto invest is a convenient tool you can use to make sure you don’t miss out on the next land we list on the platform!
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