A detailed explanation.
The LandEx portfolio is where you will find the value of your investments on LandEx.
On the app, it is available in menu -> portfolio.
On the web version, it is available directly in the menu.
The portfolio is divided into three parts: my balance, my return, my investment.
We will go over each of them.
1. My Balance
My balance is where you can see how much you have invested.
Account Value indicates the total value of your investments. This is the amount of money you have on the app added to the value of your investment.
Unrealized PnL means “unrealized profits and losses”. It’s the money that you earned (or lost) thanks to your investment.
Eg: if you invest €10 in land and the value grows to €15, unrealized PnL will be 15–10 = €5.
Reserved Funds is the amount of money you have invested in land that has not yet been transferred from the seller.
Bonus Funds is the money you earned when you shared your referral code.
Realized PnL is the total amount of money you earned (or lost) on the investments that you sold.
Invested Funds is the total sum you have invested.
Available Funds is the amount of money you have on your account that is available for investment.
As we can see on the screenshot above, this user:
Has his account valued at €5634.26
Sold land to earn €65.94
Invested in land that has appreciated for €457.96
Invested €3892.27
Invested €1186.03 in land that has not yet been closed
Has €98 left to invest
2. My Returns
Total Return is the total amount of money you have earned, whether it has been realized or not.
The formula to calculate the return on an investment is:
Return = investment_amount X annual_return
Total return is each individual investment’s return added to each other.
Price Appreciation is the total return you earned on your investment due to their appreciation.
Price Appreciation % is the average appreciation on your investment in percentage.
Cash Income is the money you earned due to income. It can be from renting out land to a farmer, or resource exploitation like timber.
Cash Income % is the income you earned calculated as a percentage of the value of the land.
This user has so far earned a return equivalent to €534.26, which corresponds to 10.48% of the value of his portfolio.
My Investments
Number of Investments is the number of plots you have invested in.
Estimated Annual Return is the estimated rate at which the plot will appreciate.
Land Invested is the total number of square meters you have invested in.
CO2 Capture is the total number of kilo of CO2 your investments have captured per year.
The user invested in twelve plots whose estimated average return is 9.75%. In total, the user invested in 16 195.34 m2 that captured 7 201.99 kilos of CO2 per year.
It’s easy to invest on LandEx!
With our detailed portfolio, you can easily track and manage your investments.
You don’t have an account on LandEx yet?
Then go to landex.ai and begin your journey in land investing today!
Disclaimer: This article is not intended to be relied upon as financial advice to investors or potential investors and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or needs of any investor.
The content LandEx’s blog is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained on the LandEx Medium blog constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by LandEx or any third party service provider to buy or sell any financial instruments in this or in any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.